Dr. Whaley is an Associate Professor of Health Services, Policy, and Practice at the Brown University School of Public Health as of July 2023. Professor Whaley comes to Brown from the RAND Corporation, where he is a health economist and professor at the RAND Pardee Graduate School. His research focuses on health care price transparency and market structure and has been published in clinical, health policy, and economics journals and covered by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and CNN. He has presented on health care prices and competition to state and federal policymakers, including the California and Texas Legislatures, the Congressional Budget Office, and the Federal Trade Commission. His study findings on hospital prices have been referenced in federal and state legislation. His research on hospital prices and health care markets has supported several Arnold Ventures, including the Employer’s Forum of Indiana, the National Alliance of Health Care Purchasers, and Texas Employers for Affordable Health Care.